I would highly recommend traveling past train, and in particular Polish trains.  Let me tell you a little about my recent adventures.

Please note: This post was inspired past a real time adventure that you can scroll down and read near. I would recommend this option  if  y'all are short on time or have a particularly  brusk attention bridge.

Hazard #i

My first ever train gamble was in May. Ethan was here in Poznan visiting me and we decided to travel to the South and visit one of Poland's most famous cities-Krakow. Our ride to Cracow was fairly uneventful (well minus the fact that I decided to accept some movement sickness medication and I apparently tin't handle one whole tablet and got a niggling loopy….;)).

On our way dorsum to Poznan nosotros decided to have the latest possible train (we wanted to make the 8 hour trip worth it!). Now, before nosotros left Poznan I told my host family unit our ambitions and they kind of looked at me funny and said; "Really? You want to take a night train? Those trains aren't the nicest…but okay…." I had no idea what they were talking nigh. After our nice train ride to Krakow I figured that they most accept but been concerned about my prophylactic. However, I concluded I would exist fine since my very nice and very stiff beau would be traveling with me J so we should go for it .

When our departure fourth dimension arrived we successfully navigated the foreign signs and made it to the proper platform.

Only then our train arrived.

As it pulled upwards to the platform we saw a huge mass of people first running toward the train. We all of a sudden realized that we did indeed have tickets for this train, BUT nosotros did not take a seat number (an plainly none of the other people did either)! It turns out that trains here are actually start-come-starting time serve. Whether or not you get a seat on crowded trains is purely based on luck.

I felt slightly panicky at the very real possibility of not making it on this train and being stranded in Krakow.

At this signal Ethan and I also started to run. Nosotros pushed our way into the train and miraculous we did find a seat-however, it was squished on a bench between 2 other people (one of them being a rather big, unhappy looking human).

In one case nosotros sat down we both bankrupt out laughing almost to tears. And then…..Smooth night trains…..

Take a chance #2  & 3

These two adventures had similar scenarios.

First, was a trip I went on with a group of international students a few weeks ago. We were going to a city only an hour away from Poznan but on a Friday night. Our train was delayed by at to the lowest degree an hour and when the railroad train finally arrived, quite a oversupply of people had as well arrived.

This was a very unfortunate turn of events.

Suddenly, hoards of people were trying desperately to cram into the train.  The entire group I was with did make information technology onto the train….nevertheless, nosotros never made into the actual car office of the railroad train (where all the seats are located). Instead nosotros enjoyed our journey literally smashed together in the doorway of the ii train cars. We fabricated the all-time of information technology, and even a made a new friend 🙂

The second risk took place only final weekend. I was going to Republic of lithuania (nosotros were taking a 3 hour train to another city in Poland and then a bus to Lithuania) with v Smooth girls. The fact about the Polish girls is very of import and good; considering they could read ALL the signs and understand all of the announcements! Amazing how much it is to travel when you possess that ability!

We likewise had a similar sardines experience of cramming into the train, but this fourth dimension nosotros did eventually get in into the hallway of the bodily car.


Real Time Gamble

As I write this post I am actually on some other train take a chance. In fact I was but interrupted a minute ago to conquer withal another obstacle.

I am on my way to visit my Polish friend Marianna, in the wonderful city of Wroclaw (shout out to the 07' EQers!).  This time I am on a solo train adventure.

Equally a side annotation but important piece of data for this story; I have found that I know just plenty Polish to make myself dangerous.

I arrived at the train station this morning exactly at my projected time-20 minutes early for my train.  I walked into the station feeling confident in my knowledge of the Polish train system and my new found talent of request strangers for help.

I looked at the large departure lath and started searching for my journey.

To my dismay, I could not locate the right train. I saw a train going to Wroclaw but it was scheduled to exit 1 hour later than the ticket I had purchased.

Now, I know that Shine trains are notorious for beingness late and then I saw a discussion written adjacent to the train going to Wroclaw.  Naturally, I causeless that must mean my train was delayed and based on my extension knowledge of the Polish language (notation the sarcasm here) I concluded that must be the journeying I was searching for.

Withal, I was not 100% confident of this conclusion so for the adjacent 15 minutes or so, I wondered effectually showing people my ticket to people and asking for English speakers. At final, (subsequently a text to my Polish host family unit) I discovered that this item word  did in fact Non mean delayed or tardily or anything similar that at all.  It actually meant something like "many people" mean  that this train made many many stops, making it take a veeeeerrrry long time to become to Wroclaw (past the way I plant out this information about the word later, not when I was at the train station).

Great. Not helpful. Now where what was I supposed to get?

Over again I started asking people for assistance. I finally located a girl who told me the existent facts.  My train was actually on the board but I didn't know it because it was listed as another metropolis! The train I was trying to have was going through Wroclaw but that was not information technology'due south last destination :/

I missed my train past 2 minutes.

I was not discouraged through. There was some other railroad train that I could take in an hr and my ticket was valid for 24 hours so this was non a problem. I would nonetheless brand it to Wroclaw and everything would be fine.

I located the correct platform (and double checked that I was on the right platform by request a daughter with a dog), and I confidently boarded the old- but-not -besides -crowded train. It was clearly marked Wroclaw.

Just a few minutes ago, the controller came through the car and asked for our tickets….

After clarifying that I did not understand Smoothen (I was not going to brand the aforementioned mistake again!) I was informed that I was in fact on the wrong railroad train!

Yes, this train is going to Wroclaw, but it is going to accept me much longer than my previous train would take. That'southward right somehow I managed to get myself on the ho-hum train.

In light of this disheartening news, I have decided to list all of the positive aspects of this tragic mistake:

# 1  I am going the right style! Yay! I will withal brand it to Wroclaw today!

 #2Surprisingly, slow trains are much less crowded than the normal or fast train. I have my own seat.

 #3 I had to purchase a new ticket  since I am on a different kind of train, but this ticket actually cost me ten pln less than my other ticket (that's merely similar 3 US dollars but I'm looking at the brightside hither!). I tin also be reimbursed for my other ticket once I go to Wroclaw. Happy.

#4  The controller was very nice (he probably felt bad for me, but at this signal I will take any grade of kindness )

#5  This is the 1 that I am sure you all will spring for joy well-nigh-I had fourth dimension to write this postal service!

All of these adventures take been very exhilarating, but here's hoping to a boring ride home.

November 1st was All Saints Twenty-four hour period or the Twenty-four hours of the Expressionless in Poland.  This is not a very well known holiday in the United States, just in Poland it is a VERY large deal!

Basically it'due south a day set aside to pray for deceased loved ones.  During the day everyone goes to visit graves, leaves candles and flowers and prays a special prayer  for the deceased.  There is also a special mass that almost people attend.

I went with my Polish family to visit two different cemeteries.  I was  really shocked by the HUGE number of people there! Seriously, in that location was people everywhere!  They even had police stationed at the railroads tracks to manage all of the foot traffic. On our mode to ane of the cemeteries the two way, one lane roads had been temporarily been changed to i fashion, two lane roads in guild to suit all of the mass corporeality of people driving to and from the cemetery!

The second thing that surprised me was the temper. People weren't jumping around and jubilant or anything, but that attitude was non as somber equally I had expected. Going to the cemetery to pray is an annual event (for many the visits are a few times a yr) for nearly every Pole. Everyone seemed very comfy.

The thousands of candles everywhere was really amazing and it looked really absurd at dark (possibly kinda creepy besides). Besides placing candles on graves, candles were also placed in front of memorials.  Hither is i from the tragic Katyn massacre of 1940. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katyn_massacre)

For me, this day served as sober reminder of all of the people who died during WWII. At a cemetery just a few miles from my firm there was a section dedicated to Jews who had died (well-nigh during the war). There was also several mass grave memorials. I was shocked by the numbers-well into the thousands.

The Jewish section

Tombstone written in Hebrew

For well-nigh the last calendar week, the phrase cease striving has been rolling around in my head.

I looked upward the phrase and establish  information technology  is used in a Psalm.

"Cease striving and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I volition be exalted in the world."

-Psalm 46:10 (NASB)

I as well found out the phrase in Hebrew means "to let your hands drop, let go, relax."

I accept a very hard fourth dimension with this concept.

Why do I ever feel similar I need to exist doing more for God? Deep downwardly in my soul sometimes I really call back that God will love me more if I can just please Him more.  I am constantly disappointed because no matter how hard I try its never plenty. It leaves me feeling very exhausted.

When I am striving and striving I feel stressed out and discouraged. I experience exhausted and alone. There is nothing worse so feeling that the God of the universe-the ultimate King, is disappointed or fifty-fifty angry with me. Worst feeling ever.

I was feeling this manner last week.

Merely and then those words cease striving  started playing over and over in my listen.


"Therefore, since nosotros have been justified by faith, nosotros have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Through him we have too obtained access by faith into this grace in which nosotros stand, and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God."

-Romans 5:1 & 2 (ESV)

Peace with God. I tin can finish striving because I accept peace with God. He died for me. He gave me a brand new life. New life-equally in I am a new person with new desires, a new primary. No longer is sin in charge of me but the Spirit. The Spirit of God is living in me! Now I have peace with God.

" At that place is therefore at present no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.For the law of the Spirit of life has prepare y'allgratis in Christ Jesus from the police force of sin and decease. For God has washed what the police, weakened past the flesh, could not practise. Past sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful mankind and for sin,he condemned sin in the mankind, in order that the righteous requirement of the law might exist fulfilled in us, who walk not co-ordinate to the flesh only according to the Spirit."

-Romans 8: 1-4 (ESV)

"You , all the same, are not in the flesh merely in the Spirit, if in fact he Spirit of God dwells in y'all. Anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ does non belong to him. But if Christ is in you, although the trunk is dead because of sin, the Spirit is life because of righteousness. If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the expressionless dwells in you, he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead volition besides give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit who dwells in y'all."

-Romans eight:ix-11 (ESV)

Read more than of Romans here: http://world wide web.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Romans+1&version=ESV

I am a fiddling sick….but I  don't mind too much. Beingness sick actually came on a perfect day. I didn't really have any identify I absolutely had to be and it's my 24-hour interval off  ðŸ™‚ . Today I have been able to simply chill  and, reorganize myself afterwards the crazy calendar month I just had. It's very prissy to have a reason to have to relax. Jestem bardzo szczęśliwy (I am very happy).

I just returned from a crazy two calendar week take chances which included: nine different flights, sleeping in 7 unlike locations a (ane of which was an airport), being in iv dissimilar countries and having the privilege of enjoying  jet lag twice.

First I went domicile to Minnesota for my beautiful little sister'south wedding. She is such a Godly young woman, I feel blessed to be her sister and actually glad I got to go home to exist office of her special day.

Yay for the new Mrs. Cox!

After the nuptials I headed back to Europe….just I didn't become direct to Poland.

First I stopped in Regensberg, Germany to run into Ethan.It has been iv months since we last saw each other!  I was very happy to say the to the lowest degree (pretty certain he was fairly excited likewise).

Afterward being in Germany for a couple of days I went with Ethan and five other girls to Espana! Earlier I annotate of the actual trip to Spain, I would like to say two random things that I am writing here considering I couldn't think of anywhere else to put them:

ane. I am a big fan of disbelieve airlines. The pretzels are not worth the price you lot pay on major airlines.

2.  I am not a fan of sleeping in airports, although I would say that it is an interesting experience that I feel like every serious traveler should exist able to enjoy at to the lowest degree one time

Now onto Spain.

I only had 1 expectation of Espana- really good tacos.

Information technology turns out that speaking Spanish does not equal eating tacos.

I was slightly disappointed. All the same, Spain redeemed itself very rapidly, with information technology's beautiful Cathedrals, a unique and beautiful mosaic park and fun beaches. Despite the lack of tacos, it was a really astonishing trip!

Sunset at a Barcelona beach. Someone needed to pinch me.

And at present I am back in Poland. A trivial sick, merely extremely happy. 🙂

I am back in Poznan and have officially resumed my normal Au Pair activities. Cooking, cleaning, watching the boys, ironing (Mom, I sympathise why yous didn't like vacations very much. The amount of laundry to do has been a little bit ridiculous!) and shopping.

Today I went to the meat shop. I have decided that it is my favorite store. Actually I idea I would really dislike this shop. Going into a store with  a whole bunch of raw meat with hard names to pronounce, did not audio inviting to me.

Like almost small shops hither in Poland, the meat shop is Non self serve. It requires speaking to the people backside the counter and really asking for things.

Despite my almost half a year in Poland (6 month anniversary in a couple of weeks!) I withal feel slightly panicky when I go shopping. As my love American friend Emily said yesterday- "equally soon every bit someone starts speaking to me, I forget all the Polish I know".  Information technology'south so true….not that I know that much Smoothen right at present anyways, so forgetting all of it is not that hard.

Before I get into a shop I rehearse what I need to say and so as soon equally I finally piece of work up the courage, I march into the store and say everything as quickly equally possible and then I breathe a sigh of relief knowing all I take left to say are the phrases I have mastered like, "goodbye" and "thank you".

But I don't feel equally nervous in the meat store. All the people in that location are extraordinarily prissy and patient. They smiling at me and they do their all-time to understand me. It's corking.

Today I took Ignas with me to the meat shop. As I was paying for everything I was talking to the meat guy (the but guy in the store, the residual of the workers are women. He knows a little English language and so we briefly chat every now then) about his summer holiday. Then he gave Ignas a lollipop.

I looked at Ignas and said "Ignas say thanks".

Ignas shouts to the entire shop- DZIEN DOBRY!!!!! (which means good twenty-four hour period/hello)

Anybody laughed.

I don't know if Ignas was trying to be funny (he knows thank you in English)….or possibly he was secretly trying to brand me feel better, near my lack of Shine. But either fashion. It was a skillful trip to the meat shop 🙂

(This post is written at various times and I am hoping to add to it as my access to the internet and electricity allows).


Last Saturday I piled into an 8 rider van forth with seven other people to embark on the Gogulski family's 3rd almanac holiday in Republic of croatia. After 24+ hours in a very total van and 5 countries later (Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Bosnia and Croatia), we would arrive at our vacation destination.

I was feeling a flake nervous nearly the long car ride….24 hours in a van with iv little boys under the age of 14 could turn out to be a VERY long car ride. I was pleasantly surprised when the boys slept or watched movies nearly of the fashion. The ride was relatively peaceful with no stories of interest to share.

Before we left for our two calendar week vacation I was informed that the place where we would exist staying did not have internet….or electricity (information technology turns out that the firm is solar powered so we pretty much only accept lights and tin affluent the toilets). Naturally I was bummed out by this discovery (how tin I keep my millions of readers satisfied without regular internet access?), but I resolved non to let it bother me.

I was besides informed right earlier we left that we were not actually staying in Dubrovnik- a popular tourist destination; instead nosotros would exist residing on an island called Korcula. three hours by boat from Dubrovnik.  I resolved not to be dismayed and try to embrace the experience.

Korcula is most the bottom of Croatia so most of our day on Sunday was spent driving through the Croation mountains. Nosotros had a cute view of the bright blue, virtually transparent Adriatic Ocean. I enjoyed the bulldoze through several towns and villages. The roofs of the houses are a reddish brownish color, and it looks good with the foam colored walls underneath. The houses and the countryside look like a mixture of Hellenic republic and Italy.

During our bulldoze I was thinking of all of the things I could possibly practice in this cute Country for two weeks. I saw a sign advertising h2o sports like h2o skiing and tubing, perchance I could come across some other English speakers, I could explore the town.  Peradventure I could walk to a nearby town or village.

Finally we exited the car ferry we had boarded and started driving beyond the Island of Korcula. We were searching for the "town" of Babina. Nosotros drove, and drove….and drove…..and collection some more. We weaved all effectually, up and downwardly mountains. We passed some very small villages and then we exited the paved, two lane road nosotros had been traveling on and entered onto a very narrow gravel road.

I was starting to feel alarmed. Surely we just had to go through this remote surface area before we arrived at our final destination. Nosotros rounded a corner and spied about five houses resting almost the bottom of the mountain, next to the sea. As we continued down the route that'due south when we saw it; the sign.  It was a  piece of plywood on a stick with the letters "B-A-B-I-N-A" spray painted in blackness. We had arrived.

And so that's where I am right now as I type this. I am sitting on the porch of our house in Babina, Croatia. We accept roughly 10 neighbors and by neighbors I mean actual people. The nearest "town" is a 30 minute bulldoze. The nearest tourist location is about an hr away and there are only 2 gas stations on the entire isle.

The business firm nosotros are staying at is beautiful and I fifty-fifty get my own room and bathroom. Nosotros are right on the ocean (there is no beach, only rocks) and we are surrounded by small mountains covered with trees and bright foam colored rocks.

At first I thought in that location was no way I would be able to survive two weeks on a remote isle in the centre of nowhere, but I have chosen to enjoy the dazzler that is all around me. It'due south incredible to look effectually and come across such breath taking views, and to realize that the God who created all of this loves me. I am overwhelmed.

I have too gotten to spend lots of quality fourth dimension with my Polish host family unit and their friend Justina and her ii boys. The boys and I accept had lots of fun raft wars and every day at lunch nosotros have a special English language time.

I know I will be more than than ready to return to civilization adjacent week, but for at present I am enjoying the less than famous, but very beautiful Babina.

Pupnat (Pronounced poopnot)

In accolade of Justina's altogether and due to the fact that it was Friday; nosotros left our honey Babina in search of a prissy fish meal. Nosotros were told to get to the oh-so-charming hamlet of Pupnat (poopnot), just a 40 minute drive. Forth the side of the road we saw the eatery (quite possibly the only restaurant in the village). After Szymon had inspected the place we all tumbled out  of the van and sabbatum downwards at a table exterior.

Everything seemed normal, and we had a neat view of the village (which despite the name was actually a very pretty place). It looked like something out of an old medieval tale and the fact that everything at the eating house was homemade the old fashion style, just served to solidify my perceptions.

Like I said, everything was going as I had expected when suddenly the waiter appeared (the son of the owner), with a huge platter total of sea creatures. Most of them I did not recognize. He dropped the platter on the table and began showing us our options-simply and then I noticed the affair that looked like a huge lobster with very long antennas, begin to move!! Those creatures could go upward and walk off the plate if they wanted! I think I even saw the two fish on the plate breathing! (A side annotation to Ethan:  if you want a cheap date just take me to place where the food is nevertheless alive. I think I will suddenly remember that I am fasting).

Despite my reservations I ordered fish (it looked like the safest matter on the platter). A fiddling while later my dinner arrived. Information technology was looking at me. Normally I like to see my food, not take my food run across me (Insert bounding main food joke). There is something really uncomfortable about your dinner looking you lot in the eye.

And so I considered my options:

  1. Refuse to eat the food on the ground of his sad looking eyes.
  2. Somehow slip my plate nether the tabular array and give my fish to….hmm…no dog.
  3. Suddenly "call up" my fatal allergy to fish skin.
  4. Faint.
  5. Eat the fish.

I went for number 5. My strategy was just to pretend the face up wasn't in that location. I focused on the piece of meat I was eating and did not divert my eyes.

To my surprise the fish tasted really good! I also felt accomplished. I could so consume this kind of meal again. As I was mentally celebrating my victory Ignas came over and started poking my fish in the eye. I decided that next fourth dimension I come face up to confront with my repast I will just say "salad please".

Alright so maybe I am just weird merely ever since I've had a blog, I find myself thinking in possible blogs all the time! I have all these ideas in my head about things I could write a blog about but they unremarkably simply finish up as statements/thoughts/questions in my head. Only I feel like these things might even so exist web log worthy then I'g just gonna put them out at that place….

• Michael Buble makes cooking fun-in fact he even makes it enjoyable.Thanks Michael.

•How exercise European women walk in crazy high heels on uneven asphalt?

• Why doesn't Poland have cheddar cheese?

• To celebrate the 4th of July my Smooth family took me to McDonalds….I am proud to be an American.

• I am non a fan of speedos.

• I am a fan of ice cream in Poland….the café Kamiea here in Poznan has the most succulent strawberry sundae Always!

• Beware of assuming what words mean from the pic higher up them. Contrary to the lovely deer motion picture, the discussion koniec does not mean deer . Information technology means the end ….(you can estimate the story that goes forth with this very important alert).

• No in Polish means yes. Talk nearly confusing.

• For the first fourth dimension in my life I got to share Christ with someone who randomly walked upwards to me. Very exciting!

• People still think I am sixteen! How sometime must I be to be free of my sweetness 16!?

• I really thought I wouldn't miss driving….but I practice :/ Take care of my skilful ol' Taurus please Nick and Jess.

• I like traveling, merely I don't like traveling past myself. (That statement kinda reminds me of a Fannee Doolee. Did anyone spotter the show Zoom? Fannee Doolee likes to travel, but hates to travel solitary. Why do you lot think that is?)

Well summer has officially begun in Poland. The kids got out of schoolhouse concluding week. The thing to do hither once summer has arrived is to pack up and leave.  The 24-hour interval after school Stas and his dad headed out for a Kayak trip and Zosia and I (and our friend Monika) headed off to Warsaw (Poland's uppercase) for the weekend.

The trip to Warsaw was really great. Although I was super confused because I idea I had already been to Warsaw on one of my trips with Royal Servants. The more we walked around the city, the more than I realized I had never been there before. Maybe I've only been to the airport? (EQ '07 and Nehemiah '08ers I would capeesh your input on this one…where were we!?).

I was actually impressed by Warsaw. Not because it was particularly beautiful- it is pretty, only it didn't stand out for me. I was mostly impressed past the fact that 95% of the city was destroyed later on WW Two and the Polish people rebuilt the urban center within x years! Now it'due south the largest city in Poland.

It was fun to travel with 2 Smoothen girls likewise. They are not bad people and fun to be with, simply it was also super helpful to be with people who speak Polish!  It's amazing how much easier it is to get around when you can read the signs. 🙂

After Warsaw, we repacked and hit the road for the lake. We are in a little town almost the border of Poland and Federal republic of germany. As well the houses and castles….it looks a lot like Minnesota! Nosotros are staying in a big business firm on the lake. Information technology's very colorful within. The walls are brilliant colors similar orange, green, yellow and red. It has vi bedrooms and four bathrooms and a nice big kitchen. The large kitchen is particularly useful since there are eight boys hither, all under the historic period of xiv!  Hungry boys= lots of cooking.

Our lake trip and summer travels have just begun, only I am looking forward to telling you more than nigh our adventures….for now I am off for a walk to the castle! 🙂

Working Out the Wrinkles

I am finding that I miss the strangest things.

Ice, refrigerated beverages, ceiling fans, cheddar cheese; only above all I miss….


I had no thought how useful dryers are.  Going from having a dryer to not having a dryer, can cause some serious issues. What do you exercise when you suddenly realize that you have completely run out of clean underwear? I know from personal experience that it takes at to the lowest degree a full day for them to dry on a rack. Dryers take obvious prevented me from advance laundry planning.

However, the quickness of dryers is not the only asset. I could make a very strong example that the most important, most wonderful thing most dryers is the way they de-wrinkle clothes! Information technology'due south really quite splendid.

You lot might be wondering what has brought me to this decision; well it is because of my recently acquired Au Pair duty of ironing.

At starting time my host mom asked me to atomic number 26 her hubby'due south shirts. No trouble I thought. I don't mind ironing, in fact information technology could exist kind of fun. I simply pressed abroad; listening to music and enjoying the feel.

But 1 day I saw a note on the counter, it was quite articulate…"Natasha, please fe all the laundry". It only took my most a calendar month to observe that all the laundry, really meant all the laundry…for 5 people….plus the sheets…..at present I can totally sympathise why it is of import to fe all the laundry. Only the necessity of the task just did not click in my head right abroad.

Needless to say this is quite the project for me. It just takes a very long time. To exist quite honest, at get-go I had a very bad mental attitude virtually all the ironing. Iv hours of ironing is non really my favorite activeness.

Yet, i day this week while I was spending some fourth dimension the Lord I was struck past a thought. How can I await God to use me to do large things if I tin can't fifty-fifty have a good mental attitude almost the small daily tasks He's given me to do today? The Lord has plain chosen me to be serving him in Poland, at this house, with this family unit for this time.

i Corinthians ten:31 says:

"And then whether y'all consume or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."

Everything I do should be done for God's celebrity.  Even ironing.

Our attitudes matter. Our attitudes are reflections of our hearts. I know this might seem like a stretch, but I don't think it is. And then many Christians I know (myself included) dream of being used by God in a big way. We say we desire to do the hard things. Nosotros want to become to the far off places. Many of us are intrigued by the excitement of traveling and the allure of dangerous endeavors. We sing songs how nosotros volition go anywhere, practice anything, give everything we have for the sake of proclaiming His name. Only when the rubber meets the road, how practice nosotros fare?

How do nosotros react when nosotros don't similar the tasks we are given at work? Are we actively involved in serving Christ at habitation? Do our lives, actions and words shout of loving God with our hearts, souls and might? (Deuteronomy 6:5).

This week I was challenged to change my attitude. I want to serve God in the small-scale things. I want to dearest Him while I am ironing, and I desperately want God to use me to farther His kingdom. I promise you might want the same. If yous do, I challenge you to ask the Lord to change your attitude and soften your center.  Enquire Him to enable you to love Him as you ought. We can't do anything without His help and certainly loving Him is no exception.

When things are wonderful here, when they're incredibly hard, or even when things are monotonous and boring, like ironing, I know God is working in my life daily. He is doing, and will continue to do big things in my life. Who knew I would start to learn this from working on a mound of laundry. 🙂

These people obviously know how to make ironing more interesting. Perchance I'll try it out onetime.

And so yesterday was the start mean solar day I tried to go to church past myself. In order to get to church I have to accept a tram (information technology's kinda like the light rail in MN, simply waaaay more complicated) into the metropolis eye, get off and take another tram which takes me out of the city and into a more residential surface area. I knew that I had to take tram number 8 into the city and from there become on tram number 14….the only trouble was that I couldn't remember the name of the terminate I needed to get off at once I was on 14. Yep, should accept looked that up before I left the house. 😉

So I got to the city and I decided just to hop on xiv and run across if I could recognize the stop…haha non a good idea.

Equally it usually turns out when yous fail to fix in advance, I got on the tram going the wrong way….but I didn't realize I was going the wrong way until I was all the way at the end of the line. L So I had to stay on the tram and ride it all the back the other way. At this point I had already missed half the church building service but I had to still get to the church because I was supposed to be meeting someone there.

Then I rode the tram dorsum the other manner….and got off at the incorrect stop over again!!!

Throughout this whole ordeal I stayed amazingly calm. I was definitely lost only I was so focused on getting to the right identify I simply tried not to think about non knowing where I was.

To make a long story short I finally got a hold of someone and they directed me to the correct place! Praise the Lord!

Since I missed the church service I had a trivial while to wait for my friend, so I decided to sit on a bench and read some of my Bible.

Information technology was when I was sitting on the demote that it really hitting me. "I am sitting on a demote in Poland…by myself….and I don't really know where I am….and I in POLAND! None of my friends or family live in Poland. I will not be running into anyone I know, I tin't even ask anyone for directions because I don't speak Polish…"

All of these thoughts  and more than were racing through my mind and I probably should take started feeling scared, but I didn't. It was and so strange. I felt this overwhelming sense of peace. This is where God wants me correct now. It's true I am in a foreign country, without friends and family and it is really scary sometimes-only the peace of the Lord is something I just cannot describe! I know that the creator of the universe sees me and is here with me, even when I am just sitting on a bench.  God is with me and I know it. Not just because I am telling myself He is with me to somehow make myself feel better, but because I am experiencing God and getting to know Him more than and more  every day.

"Taste and encounter that the LORD is good; blessed is the human who takes refuge in Him" Psalm 34:8

"What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord….I desire to know Christ and the power of His resurrection…" Philippians 3:8; ten.

I will leave you with this prayer out of Ephesians:

"I proceed request that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Begetter, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you lot may know Him better. I pray likewise that the optics of your eye may be enlightened in order that you lot may know the hope to which he has called you lot…" (1:17; 18a).